
In 1980 a believer from Rwanda was forced to renounce Christ or face death. He refused and was killed. Afterward, a document was found nailed to the wall inside his house. And it read:

I’m part of the fellowship of the unashamed.
– I have Holy Spirit Power.
– The die has been cast.
– I have stepped over the line.
– The decision has been made.
– I’m a disciple of His.

I won’t
– look back,
– let up,
– slow down,
– back away,
– or be still.

My past is
– redeemed,
– my present makes sense,
– my future is secure.

I’m finished with
– low living,
– sight walking,
– small planning,
– smooth knees,
– colorless dreams,
– tamed visions,
– mundane talking,
– cheap living,
– and dwarfed goals.

I no longer need
– pre-eminence,
– prosperity,
– position,
– promotions,
– plaudits,
– or popularity.

I don’t have to be
– right,
– first,
– tops,
– recognized,
– praised,
– regarded,
– or rewarded.

I now live by faith,
– lean on His presence,
– walk by patience,
– lift by prayer,
– and labor by power.

My face is set,
– my gait is fast,
– my goal is heaven,
– my road is narrow,
– my way is rough,
– my companions few,
– my guide reliable,
– my mission clear.

I cannot be
– compromised,
– detoured,
– lured away,
– turned back,
– deluded
– or delayed.

I will not
– flinch in the face of sacrifice,
– hesitate in the presence of the adversary,
– negotiate at the table of the enemy,
– ponder at the pool of popularity,
– or meander in the maze of mediocrity.

I won’t
– give up,
– shut up,
– or let up,
– until …

I have
– stayed up,
– stored up,
– prayed up,
– paid up,
– and preached up
– for the cause of Christ.

I am a disciple of Jesus

I must go …
– till He comes,
– give till I drop,
– preach till all know,
– and work till He stops me.

And when He comes for His own,
– he will have no problems recognizing me
– my banner will be clear!

——- Anonymous African Pastor


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